Welcome to St. Anthony Parish in Sacramento, California!
In Baptism all of us belong to the one Body of Christ, the universal church. I hope that you will join us as we build the Kingdom of God in our community and world as Jesus Christ tells us: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Our Parish strives to be a welcoming community that lives the Good News of the Gospel and carries out that mission. We look forward to serving you and nourishing your spiritual and personal development. We hope you will share your time and talent with us, your Parish family and community, by participating in our various ministries, social services, activities and spiritual experiences. In this way, we desire to help all people feel the joy of serving the Lord in various ways.
As Catholic Christians, we understand our need for one another. When we join together in a common purpose and vision, we find ourselves in the presence of God, Who is the source of our hope and Who supports and sustains us. All are welcome at Saint Anthony, wherever one may be on their faith journey: a practicing Catholic, a seeker for truth with no church affiliation, a Christian of another denomination investigating Catholicism, or someone who has been away from the Church or from our Parish for whatever reason. Our Parish is a welcoming one, and we truly want everyone to feel at home here.
We seek to proclaim the Word of God faithfully. We seek to celebrate our communal prayer and worship, in particular, the Eucharist, reverentially and joyfully. We seek to envelop our love for Christ in works of charity, in service to the poor and needy and to each other. We seek to mark our faith for our children and ourselves with study and action. We seek to demonstrate Christian hospitality at all times. We seek to offer our gifts of time, talent and treasure at the Altar of the Lord. And above all, we seek to live the two Greatest Commandments: first to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, and with all our souls, and with all our minds; and secondly, like the first, to love our neighbors as ourselves.
I pray that you will join us each Sunday for the celebration of the Mass and be an active member of our Parish family.
May God bless you!
Fr. Mieczyslaw “Mitch” Maleszyk, Pastor