Children's Faith Formation

Register Here

To Register for CFF classes, please use this link:  REGISTER HERE


Welcome to Catholic Faith Formation and Youth Ministry! We are excited to announce registration for the 2024-25 CFF year! We are here to assist your family on this journey of faith. St. Anthony Parish is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students and families as we learn about and grow in the Catholic faith. Please take time to read about our faith formation program in its entirety. Let us know if you have any questions and how we can be of assistance to your family. St. Athony de Padua, pray for us!

Class Descriptions:

Preschool/Kindergarten —. Ages 3- through Kindergarten level. Class will be held during th e10:30 am Mass.

Pre-Sacrament Year I — First graders and Second graders under the age of 8 who have had no previous religious instruction.

* Please Note: Consistent class and Sunday Mass attendance is essential for promotion to the next class level!

Pre-Sacrament Year II — Second graders and Third graders who successfully completed the Beginning Year I program in 2024.

* Please Note:  Consistent class and Sunday Mass attendance is essential for promotion to the next class level!

First Reconciliation / First Holy Eucharist – Third and Fourth graders who successfully completed the Beginning Year II program in 2024.

*Please see Requirements for Receiving Sacraments page to understand preparation requirements.

Post-Sacrament I —     4th and 5th Graders who celebrated Reconciliation & Eucharist in 2024

Post-Sacrament II  —   5th and 6th Graders who successfully completed Post-Sacrament I in 2024

Pre-Confirmation —   6th Graders who continuously enrolled since First Reconciliation and First Eucharist and 7th graders who did not fully complete Pre-Confirmation in 2024

Confirmation Year 1 (2-year program) — Eligible candidates are students in 7th grade or above who have been enrolled in consecutive years of a faith formation program.

Confirmation Year 2  — Students who successfully completed Confirmation Year 1.

Junior High Youth Ministry —     All 7th and 8th graders who are NOT preparing for Confirmation.                                                                

High School Youth Ministry —  All 9th - 12th graders NOT preparing for Confirmation.

Basic Catechsis —Children between the grade levels of third and twelfth grade who were baptized as infants and who have had no religious instruction since.  Also, students who have not enrolled in religious education since their reception of First Eucharist.  A parent attends weekly sessions with student.

OCIA: Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (adapted for youth)  (Minimum two-year process)

The OCIA process requires a serious family commitment.  Please call the CFF office for more information. 

OCIA Year 1/ Basic Inquiry(New students!)

  • Children between the ages of 8 and 17 who have not received any of the sacraments of initiation, i.e. Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist.  **A parent attends weekly sessions with student.

OCIA Year 2/ Catechumenate  (Step Two in the OCIA process).

Students who successfully completed the OCIA Year 1/ Basic Inquiry class and celebrated the Rite of Acceptance in 2024.


Requirements for Reception of all Sacraments and Promotion to the Next Class Level

Important information on Reception of all Sacraments and Promotion to the next Grade levels


For All Sacraments and to successfully complete each level:

ABSENCES FOR THE YEAR MUST NOT EXCEED FOUR: With new circumstances this school year, we understand families are having to endure several things at once. We are entrusted with assisting in the faith formation of your children. To help us ensure the religious education of your children and in keeping consistent with our plan for this year, an effort must be made to 1) have your child/ren attend the weekly classes; and, 2) have your chil/ren arrive on time. More than four (4) absences may hold your child back from promotion or reception of a sacrament.

FAMILIES CELEBRATE WEEKLY MASS: The most important way to develop your child’s Catholic identity is to celebrate weekly Mass and make Sundays special. Parents are the primary teachers and have the ultimate responsibility for passing on the faith to their children. Our faith is centered around one hour of praise and thanksgiving at Mass each week. Everything we talk about in the classroom setting has a direct reference to each Sunday’s Mass. Children who miss Mass are missing out on part of their lesson, and the lesson becomes abstract and obscure. Therefore, please assure that your children are being prepared for sacraments and promotion by attending Mass each Sunday. *Mass Times: Saturday 5:00 pm (effective September 4); Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 am.

Based on the above information, the Director of Religious Education, in consultation with the Pastor, will determine if your child is properly prepared to receive a sacrament or promote to the next grade level.


  • Parents of children seven years and younger can arrange baptisms by telephoning the Parish Office at 428-5678.
  • Children eight years or older can arrange for baptismal preparation by telephoning the Catholic Faith Formation Office at 392-6362. Children eight years or older will receive the Sacrament of Baptism during the Easter Vigil Mass through the initiation rites. During this liturgy, the children will also receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist. Preparation for these sacraments takes a minimum of two years. The Director of Religious Education, in consultation with the Pastor, will determine whether the child is prepared to receive the sacraments.

Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist

Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist are generally celebrated in the third grade. In order to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist, children must be attending their third consecutive year of classes. They must have successfully completed Pre-Sacrament Years 1 & 2, and be currently enrolled and regularly attending the Eucharist/Reconciliation class.


Confirmation (2-year program)

Students may begin this two-year program in 7th Grade if they have been continuously enrolled in a faith formation program.
• Candidates must be in 7th grade or above and must have been continuously attending a faith formation program.
• Students desiring Confirmation who have not been continuously enrolled in a faith formation program, must consult the Director of Religious Education to clarify which class to register for. This may include attending a year of Jr. High Youth Ministry, High School Youth Ministry, a Post-Sacrament class or the Basic Inquiry class, depending upon the age of the student and the number of lapsed CFF years, prior to entering the two-year Confirmation program.

Out of Sequence

Children between the levels of third and twelfth grade who have been baptized but who have had little or no education of the Catholic Faith enroll in the “Basic Catechesis” class. The family may wish to schedule an appointment with the Director of Religious Education prior to enrollment to discuss the process.

Order of Christian Initiation – A serious family commitment.

Children between the ages of 8 and 17 who have not been baptized must enroll in the “initiation process”—OCIA (formerly RCIA). The family may wish to schedule an appointment with the Director of Religious Education prior to enrollment to discuss the initiation process. (Minimum 2-year process)
➢ OCIA Year 1/ Basic Inquiry: the first year of the initiation process.
➢ OCIA Year 2/ Catechumanate is for students who have celebrated the Rite of Acceptance.


Students desiring CONFIRMATION who have not been continuously enrolled in a faith formation program, must consult with the Director of Religious Education to clarify which class to register for. This may include attending a year of Junior High or High School Youth Ministry, a Post Sacrament class or OCIA I/Basic Catechesis, depending upon the age of the student and number of lapsed CFF years prior to enrolling in the two-year Confirmation Program.

Children's Liturgy and Children's Choir

Children’s Liturgy is an opportunity for children, kindergarten through 6th grade, to celebrate Sunday Mass with readings and a homily geared towards their age level.  Children begin Mass with their families, are escorted to the CFF Center following the Opening Prayer, and then return to their families at the offertory.


Children’s Choir is open to K-6th-grade children.