An Interrelationship of the Parish Pastoral Council and the Parish Finance Council.
“The Parish Pastoral Council and the Parish Finance Council are separate. Each has a different and specific role in the life, ministry, and operation of the parish, and must work together for the good of the parish. The Pastor has authority from the Bishop and the universal law of the Church to decide and act on behalf of the parish” [ Canon 532 ].
The Parish Finance Council and the Parish Pastoral Council are advisory to the Pastor. In each Council, members possess a consultative vote only and are governed by the norms established by the diocesan Bishop. The decisions and recommendations of these Councils are valid only when accepted and ratified by the Pastor. It is important, therefore, that the Pastor be central to the deliberation and the functioning of both Councils. The relationship between the Councils and the Pastor is one of support and by no means should be adversarial.
Parish Pastoral Council:
The Pastoral Council strives to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among the People of God in the parish and assists the pastor in fostering the pastoral life of the parish. The council is pastoral in nature, not administrative, and investigates all those things which pertain to the pastoral work of the parish, proposing practical ways to enhance these works. There are normally 8 members on the Pastoral Council.
The current council since 2019:
Jo Ann Akinyele
Andrea Daily
Ned Dolejsi
Erwin Enriquez
Susan Lamb Cook (CHAIR)
Tina Taniguchi
Cathy Taylor
Natalia Vaca
Kathy Viray
Parish Finance Council:
The Finance Council advises the pastor on parish financial affairs and plays an active role in the preparation of the parish budget and of the Annual Parish Finance Report submitted to the parishioners and to the diocese. There are six members who serve on this council.
Note: For further information please call the parish office.