St. Anthony Parish Social Justice Ministry Committee
The Vision for our Ministry:
“In these challenging days, we believe that the Catholic community needs to be more than ever a source of clear moral vision and effective action. We are called to be the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” in the words of the Scriptures (cf. Mt 5:13-16). This task belongs to every believer and every parish. It cannot be assigned to a few or simply delegated to diocesan or national structures. The pursuit of justice and peace is an essential part of what makes a parish Catholic.” -Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/1991
The Goal:
The goal of our Social Justice Ministry Program at St. Anthony’s parish is to engage every member of this community in the work of charity and/or justice.
The Opportunities:
- Service to the Poor and Vulnerable: St. Vincent de Paul, SSIP Food Bank, Family Promise
- Improve Education: Reading Partners; SacACT advocacy to improve schools
- Ministry to those in Prison: Get on the Bus, Exodus Project, Jail Volunteer Chaplaincy
- Environment: Responding to the Holy Father's call to deal with climate change
- Advocacy: California Catholic Legislative Network, Advocacy Days